I am a fourth year PhD student at Stanford University and a Visiting Research Scientist at Meta Platforms. At Stanford, I am advised by Professors Guido Imbens and Vasilis Syrgkanis. At Meta, I sit on the Central Applied Science team. I work on causal inference under interference (e.g. network and dynamic treatment effects).
Before doctoral work
Before this, I was conducting observational studies, crowdsourced experiments, and laboratory experiments to (1) build advertising products for web search, (2) develop human-computer interaction technology (e.g. Explainable AI), and (3) elucidate neurobiological mechanisms.
I was simultaneously a full time MS student in Applied Statistics for Social Science Research at New York University and a full time Research Intern in the Computational Social Science group at Microsoft Research. During some of that time, I was also a part time Research Technician working on Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the Cognitive and Data Science Lab at Rutgers University—Newark.